Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Please forgive me!

It has been so long since I have been able to sit down and blog! There has been so much going on lately. We moved into an awesome new house and then took a short trip to Memphis. We ended up going to Memphis a little earlier then expected because my brother was put into the hospital due to the fact that they discovered he has diabetes. He had to be in the hospital for 3 days so that they could monitor him and get him on meds to control his blood sugar. He has been doing really well controlling his diet and his blood sugar is much better thankfully. Lately we have just continued to move things into the new house and prepare for Halloween! I am so excited about this year because I know both of the girls will for sure enjoy going around and getting candy. Matt and I took them to a small little pumpkin patch today and they had a blast! Maya LOVES pumpkins!! They have their Fall Festival at school next Friday and I know they are going to really enjoy that. I am including a few pics from Memphis and the Pumpkin Patch. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Corey~living and loving said...

:) welcome back. I am thrilled to see you are getting another year out of the overalls. :)