Thursday, July 31, 2008
Surgery Tomorrow
My surgery is tomorrow (Friday) at around 12:30 Atlanta time. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers. I am looking forward to getting this thing out of my body!!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
I Surrender All

As Friday(the day of my surgery) quickly approaches I have been quite peaceful about the situation. I have already laid it all into the hands of my loving God as I know that he will watch over me. Yet as I learned some heartbreaking news this evening the fear and nervousness begin to creep back in. A friend on my mommy board that I have been on for over 3 years was diagnosed with breast cancer. She has two small boys around the girls age and it honestly just makes me sick. She is a fighter so I know that she will beat this but I am sad beyond words that she has to fight this battle. You know....CANCER SUCKS! She is so young and should be having the time of her life instead of fighting for it. When the doctors found my lump almost 6 weeks ago I literally freaked out. I thought back over the past few years at all of the stupid things I have been upset or worried about. I would get frustrated because Gracie didn't nap or because Matt and I had an argument. It put everything into perspective for me. There was no point in getting upset about those minor blips in life. I want to be around to watch my children grow up just like any other mother and I learned that I need to be thankful for every day that I have with them. No one is guarenteed tomorrow. My main point in this blog is to encourage young women to be aware of your your self-breast exams! Don't think just because you are young that you won't get a lump of you won't get breast cancer. It does happen. The majority of lumps are benign but you must get it checked.
Please pray for me that my lump is benign and also pray for my friend and all the other women that battle this disease while trying to live their life.
My God is an AWESOME God!
Swimming with Grandad!
The girls just love to go swimming with Grandad! Gracie asks me almost everyday if we can go swimming. Both of the girls love the water and are most certainly little fish. Today Gracie was practicing swimming without her floaties on and she did such a great job. She is getting very brave and will hopefully be quick to learn how to swim. Maya enjoyed checking out all of the other kids that were at the pool. She is so friendly and always has to be in the center of whatever is going on.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Creative Juices are Flowing!
I went from having no desire to do bows or any crafts to having my creative juices flowing like crazy. Today I wanted to paint a skirt for Halloween to list in my store. Luckily it turned out so cute and if it doesn't sell then Maya can wear it! I also made a matching hair bow. Last year I painted Maya some jeans and so many people said how adorable they were!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Outdoor FUN!

Today in this scorching 90 degree Georgia weather we decided to let the girls go outside and paint with their new paintbrush pens that we bought them. Gracie LOVES to paint! She is so creative! Within 5 minutes I was drenched in sweat because crazy me was outside in jeans. The girls on the other hand rarely seem to notice how darn hot it is outside and once they get started on something they usually don't willingly want to come inside.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Toddler Earrings!
I have a new addiction.....toddler earrings! I have had such a blast over the last two days making these cute earrings and they look adorable on Gracie. A lot of the ones I am making are made out of custom made polymer clay beads so they are unique and be made to match pretty much anything you can think of! I have a few pair listed in my store and will be adding some new ones soon.
Five Years...

Today is my 5 year wedding anniversary with Matt. He has to work all day so we celebrated yesterday by going to eat at Chili's ALONE! He also took me to Micheals to look for new ribbon and to Super Target! Whoo hoo!
It is hard to believe that it has already been 5 years! They have been some of the best and yet some of the hardest years but heck no one ever said marriage was easy now did they?
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